Training and coaching: Project managers and participants in the processes are trained and supported in the field.Project implementation / services: This involves providing operational support in projects by taking on the management of a project, executing defined subtasks or providing project assistants.In this context, decisions regarding the scope, budgets and resources are prepared and made in due consideration of interdependencies between projects. Managing a multi-project environment / Resource management: This is the PMO’s primary function, and it includes maintaining a good overview of all the projects and ensuring that all the necessary data is always up to date and plausible.Strategic support (sPMO): Aligning project work with the corporate strategy by classifying, selecting, and prioritizing (and, if necessary, terminating) projects.Possible areas of responsibility of the PMO are as follows: Rather, the goal should be to create trust with a view to maximizing the success of the projects and the stakeholders’ satisfaction with the PMO. However, this should not bring forth a kind of project police only. In most companies, the PMO also has functions appertaining to the control of activities and data.
In our opinion, the PMO is a service provider dedicated to giving its stakeholders the good feeling of being in full control of all projects. PMO Areas of ResponsibilityĪ PMO is a permanent organizational unit that is centrally responsible for all projects within a company or a department in the context of multi-project management.

Results regarding PMO responsibilities from the TPG PMO Survey.This provides you with a good comparison as well as ideas for functions you could consider next for your PMO. The results show how often PMOs are engaged in which area of responsibility and how well established these individual areas are. What is more, the extensive PMO survey conducted by TPG The Project Group provided very interesting and data in this field. This article provides an overview of many functions for which a project management office can be responsible. At the same time they also depend on the individual objectives a PMO is meant to achieve. The PMO functions and their prioritization always depend on the type of project the project management office (PMO) is expected to manage in a multi-project environment. Let us get one thing straight: there is no ONE universally applicable list of a PMO’s functions and responsibilities.